
個人電腦之父羅伯茲辭世 享年68歲

 更新日期:2010/04/03 04:11


發明MITS Altair 8800電腦

羅伯茲在一九七○年代中期,利用當時最尖端的英特爾8080處理器發明了MITS Altair 8800電腦,這台價值三百九十五美元(換算今日價格約一千美元)的機器宣告了家用電腦時代的來臨。《大眾電子》雜誌刊登一篇文章,介紹MITS Altair 8800。蓋茲及其童年玩伴保羅艾倫透過該雜誌封面目睹這台電腦後,主動接觸羅伯茲,並提議幫忙撰寫軟體。這套程式稱為Altair-Basic也是微軟開山奠基之作



退休後重返校園 成為內科醫生



Altair BASIC

Main article: Altair BASIC

Around this time Roberts received a letter from a Seattle company asking if he would be interested in buying its BASIC programming language for the machine. He called the company and reached a private home, where no one had heard of anything like BASIC. In fact the letter had been sent by Bill Gates and Paul Allen from the Boston area, and they had no BASIC yet to offer. When they called Roberts to follow up on the letter he expressed his interest, and the two started work on their BASIC interpreter using a self-made simulator for the 8080 on a PDP-10 minicomputer. They figured they had 30 days before someone else beat them to the punch, and once they had a version working on the simulator, Allen flew to Albuquerque to deliver the program, Altair BASIC (aka MITS 4K BASIC), on a paper tape. The first time it was run, it displayed "Altair Basic," then crashed, but that was enough for them to join; the next day, they brought in a new paper tape and it ran. The first program ever typed in was "10 print 2+2" and after typing "run" it typed back the correct answer: "4" Gates soon joined Allen and formed Microsoft, then spelled "Micro-Soft".



當初這兩位小伙子Gates 及Allen 寫信給這位仁兄時,其實他們的BASIC 也還沒搞定。

好笑的是:當第一次跑出Altair BASIC 之後,就當機了...是不是就變成他們產品往後的標準流程?

然後,第一個跑出來的程式就只有一行 :

10 print 2+2   


[當答案是 4 時。他們就決定要成立公司:稱之為Micro-soft 。

宜: 看到這段BASIC , 想起我的 PC第一次接觸 是小教授2號 從學BASIC 開始,  玩卡帶錄音機載入式的電玩帶, 玩APPLE][ ,Z80卡, CP/M系統, APPLE相關軟硬體 , 進入16bit PC/XT/AT , PC/MS DOS, EMM386, Windows 1.0 , OS/2  VB for DOS,  從此無止盡 ... ^_^ ]






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